Sunday 22 February 2009

Character model - final version

I just finished modelling Ste, adding more detail to the head, as well as giving him a body, arms and legs.

The ears, like the eyes, were made using flat spheres and placed on either side of the head. The body is a box which has had meshsmooth applied to it, and the arms are each made up of two cylinders - one for the sleeve and the other for the arm - and a sphere for the hand because I'm lazy.

The legs were also made from a box, with two parts underneath extruded before applying the meshsmooth modifier. The feet are made from a sphere which had one half deleted.

Here's another render, showing the detail I've added to the head:

The earlobe and hair are both materials made using Photoshop. For the earlobe, I simply typed in a letter 'S', flipped it upside down and modified it slightly, deleting parts where neccesary. I then flipped it around for the other ear.

Finally, a very small yet annoying problem I found with the sleeves: they look fine within 3DS Max itself, and yet when rendered, the insides of the sleeves just disappear for no reason. Here are some screencaps for comparison:

I have no idea why it does it, but it is quite a nuisance, especially since I cannot find any way around it.

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