Saturday 14 February 2009

Week 3

During this week's lecture, we learnt how to change the appearance of a shape by morphing it, and taking the form of another shape.

The video we watched was a bit too fast for me to keep up with, so after watching, I had to play around with 3DS Max on my own to see what I could get. I'll probably end up not needing to use this for any of my idents, but I'll explain how this works anyway:

I started off by making a box (the purple one, as shown above) with two height segments, and then cloning it twice. With the first copy (green box), I converted it into an editable poly , and then using the edge selection and scale tools, changed the shape of the top segment. I did the same with the second copy (silver), except I changed the shape of the bottom segment.

Next, I selected the purple box, and then Morph from the modifier list. I added the green and silver boxes as seperate channels, changed the number (which represents morph percentage) for each channel to 100, and the purple box could now take the shape of both of the other boxes, as shown in this video:

So that is how the morph effect works. As I said earlier, I may end up not using this function of 3DS Max, but that will depend on what I want to do with my idents.

On a side note, if anyone reading this knows me well enough you'll probably know why I picked those particular colours for the boxes. :p

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