Thursday 4 December 2008

Final Images

As I'm pretty much finished with the assignment for this Semester, I may as well display my final images for the project:


As shown in this render, it isn't much different from my previous W.I.P. image aside from shorter grass and the inclusion of the crossed ice hockey sticks. Shading has not been included because it didn't work as I wanted it to.


A few more changes have been made to this one: the Christmas Pudding has now been included, as well as a particle system to create a snow effect. I have also used shadows, assuming that there is a light source in front of the objects, and the snow on the ground, originally a cylinder, has been replaced with a box, since applying the new material was much easier this way.


In my previous entry I posted an image of the newly remade version of my August image. For this final version shown here, I brightened the colour of the palmtrees, and the colours of the image overall are much brighter as well, which is because I moved a light nearer. Also, I made a change to the original background, adding clouds to liven it up.

So there we have it: after a number of initial headaches and screaming into a cushion to relieve frustration on at least one occasion, it's all finished. But I don't think it's all over yet as next Semester I have to work on a 3D Animation... Argh!

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