Monday 22 September 2008


This is a pair of limes that I made in 3DS Max, my very first 3D object. It was originally supposed to be an apple, but I had a bit of difficulty with that and it ended up turning into a lime instead.

I made this by inserting a sphere shape and pulling the sides outwards to make it look like a lime. This was done by converting the sphere into a soft editable shape, and then moving a marker to a certain point, and then dragging it out with the mouse. This was done again for the other side. After cloning the shape, a light green background was added for the render.

The shape was fairly simple to make, although I think it would look more like a lime if it were a lighter colour. Also, it looks a bit 'square-like' in places, and I was unsure how to make it look smoother, so that would be another thing to adjust if I started making it again.

1 comment:

Jo Bowman said...

Hi Steven,
A good start, you need to learn the technical terminology when explaining your work.